Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekend update!

There is so much I want to talk to you all about right now but I don't think I can manage to squeeze it all in one blog post. So, this will be one of many to come in the next few days.

I want to start by talking about the adventures I got to enjoy this weekend, starting with Saturday. On Saturday we had to be up and going by 6:30 a.m. to go get on a bus for a day tour to the Cliffs of Moher. Even though I was extremely exhausted, this may have been my favorite day tour yet. The cliffs are on the other side of the island which took us almost four hours to get to (which baffles me because to get to the other side of America would take days). We had a few stops, saw a few other tourist attractions but the cliffs were by far the most majestic and breathtaking things I have ever seen. They are right on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. They made me fall in love with mother nature. The fact that these ginormous and beautiful things are made from mother nature and the Earth is incredible. The world we live on can do wonders and these are one of them. I don't even know how to describe them to you all because they are just that stunning. There aren't enough words to do them justice. Not even the pictures do them justice. I hope that you all get a chance to see these cliffs in real life. It's worth every single penny.

Today, as in Sunday, we went on a day tour to Wicklow. Wicklow is a town right outside of Dublin that is filled with mountains and everything green. We started off our day with a "bike tour" that was more like a workout than anything. When we signed up for this tour I expected it to be a laid back and simple tour of Wicklow on bikes, not too strenuous, but no. Instead, it was mountain biking through trails, up hills and on the edge of lakes. I enjoyed it and all but I wish I could have got to see more of the scenery than work my butt off trying to get through the dirt and sticks. Our bike tour guide was pretty awesome though. He was a Hungarian man who made an effort to get to know each and every one of us.

After our bike tour we took the bus around Wicklow and through the mountains. They have this old "military road" that was built up in the mountains back in the day. This road is basically a one lane road that is up at the top of the mountains with no railings. While we were on this road we got to see a few really cool things. The first was we got to see the view from above down on to Lake Guinness, which is where Arthur Guinness had his summer home and where Guinness continues to get it's water from. This was a beautiful sight. Then we stopped at a bridge on this military road. This bridge was featured in PS I Love You, so that was exciting to be able to see where part of the movie was shot. Our last stop was to some church ruins and another beautiful lake inside of the mountain. Even though it was rainy most of the day, the views were still gorgeous. I've always wanted to be able to be up in the mountains of Ireland and I got my chance to today. It was well worth it.

So, that is what I got into this weekend. I am falling more and more in love with this country each and every day. It has made me appreciate so much more in life, including more love for the Earth we live on as well as much more respect for the history that brought us to where we are today.

I will be blogging again in the next 24 hours because a lot of other things have occurred since Wednesday that are not as large as the Cliffs of Moher but have made such an impact in my time here. Can't wait to tell you all more about it tomorrow.

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